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External images

This library can also handle external images. This, like the other features, works at build time and does not affect development speed.


In most cases, the use of the RemoteImage or RemotePicture component is recommended.
Docs: RemoteImage component


<Image src="" width="1280" height="640" alt="" />

Need to add a setting to export-images.config.js as follows.

module.exports = {
remoteImages: [''],
// remoteImages: async () => {
// const imageUrls = await getImageUrls() // get image urls from CMS, etc.
// return imageUrls
// }

When in production, it will be rendered as follows. (Only important parts are shown.)

srcset="/_next/static/chunks/images/og_1920_75.png 1x, /_next/static/chunks/images/og_3840_75.png 2x"

During development, as with local images, no optimization is performed. Also, no downloading to local is performed.

srcset=" 1x, 2x"


  • Type: number

In case you need to download a large amount of images from an external CDN with a rate limit, this will add delays between downloading images.

effectively this will add sleep function between downloads.