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Get Optimized Image Props

getOptimizedImageProps is a function that extracts the internal processing of the Image component provided by this library.

For example, if you use the <img> element directly without using the Image component, you can use getOptimizedImageProps to get the properties to pass to the <img> element. This allows for more advanced use cases such as art direction using the <picture> element or displaying images using the CSS background-image property.


Background image

'use client'

import { getOptimizedImageProps } from 'next-export-optimize-images/image'

import src from '../images/sample.png'

export default function BackgroundImage() {
const props = getOptimizedImageProps({ src, alt: '' }).props

return (
backgroundImage: `url(${props.src})`,
width: props.width,
height: props.height,

export default WithPropsComponent

Art direction

'use client'

import { getOptimizedImageProps } from 'next-export-optimize-images/image'

import srcDesktop from '../images/sample-desktop.png'
import srcMobile from '../images/sample-mobile.png'

export default function BackgroundImage() {
const propsDesktop = getOptimizedImageProps({ src: srcDesktop, alt: '' }).props
const propsMobile = getOptimizedImageProps({ src: srcMobile, alt: '' }).props

return (
media="(max-width: 768px)"
<img {...propsDesktop} />

export default WithPropsComponent