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RemoteImage component

If you want to use remote images (external images) in this library, you need to manually write the external image URL in the configuration file or use the RemoteImage component.
In other words, using the RemoteImage component eliminates the need to manually write the image URL in the configuration file.


import RemoteImage from 'next-export-optimize-images/remote-image'

function Component() {
return (
<RemoteImage src="" alt="" />
Or use dynamic values with variables
const id = 'image01'
<RemoteImage src={`${id}.jpg`} alt="" />

or Picture tag. (webp support is added by default)

import RemotePicture from 'next-export-optimize-images/remote-picture'

function Component() {
return (
<RemotePicture src="" alt="" />
Or use dynamic values with variables
const id = 'image01'
<RemotePicture src={`${id}.jpg`} alt="" />


  • props: Omit<ImageProps, 'src'> & { src: string }
  • return: JSX.Element

※ ImageProps is the same as the props of the Image component provided by next/image.


Use with remoteImages.

* @type {import('next-export-optimize-images').Config}
const config = {
remoteImages: ['', ''],

module.exports = config
import Image from 'next-export-optimize-images/image'
import RemoteImage from 'next-export-optimize-images/remote-image'

function Component() {
return (
<Image src="" alt="" />
<Image src="" alt="" />
<RemoteImage src="" alt="" />

'image01.jpg', 'image02.jpg' and 'image03.jpg' are downloaded locally and optimized.